Lingua World » Interpreting Fri, 10 May 2013 06:05:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Legally Certified Interpreters /legally-certified-interpreters/ /legally-certified-interpreters/#comments Wed, 22 Aug 2012 12:30:56 +0000 admin /?p=115

Court-certified interpreters translate even more correctly
Even if all of the interpreters and translators at Lingua-World are certified and contractually obliged to always translate accurately, there are certain situations in which legal certification is a basic requirement. This specifically includes translations relevant to legal proceedings and court rulings.

Court-Certified Interpreters At Government Authorities

Only legally certified interpreters are employed for interpreting assignment in court, with the police, or at other public authorities – that is our duty by law. All our interpreters for public authorities have been certified by a court of law and their personal as well as professional aptitude has also been verified.

Legally certified interpreters are – just like the rest of our interpreters and translators – under obligation of non-disclosure and impartiality.

Translation work for public authorities and court interpreting were moreover the primary supporting pillar of company founder Nelly Kostadinova before she founded Lingua-World in 1997. As an expert in the languages of English, Russian, Serbo-Croatian and Bulgarian, the then 35 year old immigrant secured her livelihood in Germany.

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Conference Technology / Video Conferences /conference-technology-video-conferences/ /conference-technology-video-conferences/#comments Wed, 22 Aug 2012 12:30:38 +0000 admin /?p=113

When lots of people have lots to say – use conference technology!

The conference interpreters from Lingua-World translate everything. Book our highly qualified conference interpreters to make sure that your multilingual conference is a complete success. And in case it is not already on hand, you can also rent the necessary conference technology from us.

Conference Interpreting With State Of The Art Video Technology

Full service with the newest technology – at Lingua-World this includes:

  • Conference technology (Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting equipment)
  • Equipment for discussions, e.g. personal sound transmission systems
  • Video and data projection technology
  • Video- und Datenprojektionstechnik
  • Moderation technology (microphones and headsets)
  • Technology and support for video/internet conferences
  • Sound systems
  • Recording

We have conference interpreters for all languages available on short notice,
as well as all the equipment listed above, or any individual component thereof. The portfolio of Lingua-World doesn’t just include assignments in Germany, but rather it covers all of Europe and even beyond.

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Liaison Interperting /liaison-interperting/ /liaison-interperting/#comments Wed, 22 Aug 2012 12:30:06 +0000 admin /?p=111

One of the most important negotiating strategies is to “speak the same language as your opponent”

This recommendation takes on a double meaning for business partners with different native languages.

When it comes to negotiating, it’s not just the content which is important, but rather also the subtext conveyed by the participants.

The liaison interpreters at Lingua-World make sure to take both aspects into account – they sit at the table as an intermediary between the negotiating partners.

Lingua-World offers liaison interpreters for both content and subtext

Depending on the type and length of the negotiations, it may make sense to appoint several interpreters who each translate short sections (e.g. question / answer) into the target language. This type of interpreting is usually applied to meetings with only a few participants.

We have liaison interpreters for all languages available on short notice.
The portfolio of Lingua-World doesn’t just include assignments in Germany, but rather it covers all of Europe and even beyond.

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Simultaneous Interpreting /simultaneous-interpreting/ /simultaneous-interpreting/#comments Wed, 22 Aug 2012 12:29:47 +0000 admin /?p=109

Simultaneous interpreting means hearing, translating and speaking all at the same time. 

Simultaneous interpreting demands a very high level of concentration, speaking ability, and sensibility. Normally the interpreter sits in an enclosure (cabin) for simultaneous interpreters and relays everything that is said simultaneously over head phones in the target language.

Simultaneous Interpreting With Conference Technology

We recommend this type of interpreting when a translation is needed for a larger group of people without a time delay, for example at conventions, conferences, or live television broadcasts.
In connection with the simultaneous interpreter contract, we additionally offer you the opportunity to rent conference technology and portable sound transmission systems.

We have interpreters for all languages available on short notice.
The portfolio of Lingua-World doesn’t just include assignments in Germany, but rather it covers all of Europe and even beyond.

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